Looking for motivated, talented and disciplined individuals to join our team. Positions open for sales and operations.
Sierra Expediting
Sierra Expediting
Logistics Types
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Safety & Security

Sierra Expediting
Your High Value Carrier

Elevate your logistics game with High Value Carrier Logistics. From secure deliveries to high-value cargo expertise, we redefine excellence. Choose precision, reliability, and global reach. Elevate your logistics experience—partner with us.

Our mission

At High Value Carrier Logistics, we're on a mission to transform logistics. We provide top-notch transportation and supply chain solutions, emphasizing reliability, security, and efficiency. Our goal is to elevate businesses through innovation and an unwavering commitment to excellence, propelling your success globally.

At High Value Carrier Logistics, our core values — integrity, reliability, transparency, innovation, and sustainability — drive our operations. We continuously adapt to meet evolving needs, ensuring our logistics solutions stand out. Our commitment to the environment and communities underscores our dedication to responsible business practices.

Covering 14M miles annually
Handling 9000 loads yearly
Customer base exceeding 6500

Our differenciators

Precision Delivery, Secure Handling: Differentiate with High Value Carrier Logistics – Elevating Logistics Excellence.

Specialized High-Value Expretise
We possess specialized knowledge and experience in handling high-value consignments, ensuring they are treated with the utmost care and precision.
State-of-the-Art Security
Our security protocols, surveillance systems, and dedicated personnel ensure the utmost protection for high-value goods at all stages of transit.
Direct Control over Quality
With direct ownership and control of the assets, the trucking company can ensure the maintenance, condition, and reliability of its fleet. This translates to fewer breakdowns, delays, and potential claims.
Customized Solutions
Our offerings are tailor-made to meet individual requirements, ensuring each high-value move is handled with specific care and attention.
Exceptional Customer Service
With a dedicated 24/7 helpline, we ensure immediate assistance for any concerns related to high-value consignments.

Trusted by the world’s most innovative companies

Sierra Expedite INC
office sms(916) 237-1236
[email protected]Proposals and Suggestions